Dental office

Implant-Art is a modern dental office that has been operating in the Mokotów district of Warsaw for several years. Our priority is the health and comfort of our patients, to whom we offer comprehensive care and assistance from experienced and friendly staff at every stage of dental treatment.

Using technologically advanced medical and diagnostic equipment, including X-ray devices, among others. 3D computed tomography, we offer our patients services at the highest level. The dental implants we use are also of the best global brands. High-quality implants are covered by a long-term warranty in our office.

Skontaktuj się

z Gabinetem IMPLANT-Art, Warszawa Mokotów

Adres Gabinetu

Implant-Art Piotr Stępień

ul.Puławska 228, lok. uż. 11
02-670 Warszawa Mokotów


Godziny Pracy

Pn - Pt: 9.00 - 20.00
Sob: 9.00 - 14.00


  • samochodem - od ul. Wita Stwosza
  • metrem - stacja Metro Wilanowska
  • tramwajem - przystanek Niedźwiedzia, linie nr 4 i 10
  • autobusem - przystanek Dworzec Południowy, Al. Lotników; linie: 117, 141, 193, 401, 505, 108, 139, 165

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